Sunday, May 4, 2014

Paloma Selected for Indian Jewelry Assignment

Paloma Lands Indian Jewelry Account
By Ellen Rogers

Singh Designs entered into a business relationship with Marc Gagnon Inc. to do the jewelry designs photography. Part of the deal was to hire one of Gagnon’s models. The first choice was Elina Sol. Recently, she stepped aside from the commitment and the low eight figure account to be replaced by Model Paloma. Paloma, who is from Massachusetts, has been working quite steadily. She has followed direction to the letter and has been involved in 4 charity fashion shows, 2 advertising accounts, and has worked for a couple of portrait and commercial photographers for their ads.

Singh is sought out a Latin model to capture the Latin market. The ads will be running in NY, Chicago, Florida, on the west coast of the United States as well as Vancouver and Toronto. Singh is also offered Paloma a trip to India with photographic artist Marc Gagnon.

Paloma’s portfolio is finished as well as her composite cards and after the trip will be marketed to print agencies.  Paloma has been quoted, “This is a great opportunity but I have not kept all of my eggs in one basket.  I am looking at this as an enhancement and is helping me to pay off my portion of my college education.”

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cleopatra Project by Marc Gagnon featuring Hathor

Cleopatra Project by Artist Gagnon Featuring Hathor
By Ellen Rogers

Photographic Artist Marc Gagnon, who has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and newsletters worldwide decided to revisit the piece he created Cleopatra.  Marc Gagnon worked with Elina Sol who is an internet model working with local photographers and photography enthusiasts in South  Florida. Marc Gagnon reviewed the piece and decided a better feel to the piece. Gagnon has been quoted “you are who you are associated and I continually search for talent that will exemplify my work. I try to stay away from models off the internet as there are other activities they may do that may distract from my work or devalue it.”

Gagnon then was referred Hathor from Ginger Eisenrod who was responsible for Public Relations for Gagnon’s art piece FOR OUR TROOPS. This was the event that was held at the Coral Springs Museum of Art which was featured on NBC News.  Marc Gagnon met up with Hathor several times and was convinced that she would be the perfect Cleopatra.  Hathor served her country in the Navy and is currently attending college for Political Science.  “Hathor has a strong background in American and World History which he exemplifies the perfect spokes model for my artwork” says Gagnon.

Hathor also has a strong art knowledge.  Her father is famed Artist and Painter and is said to be the next Salvador Dali .  Coincidentally, Gagnon’s artwork, specifically his collages, was influenced by Salvador Dali. Gagnon’s people are currently working with a foundation based solely on the works of Dali and are planning a show featuring Gagnon’s artwork. One of the pieces the committee is waiting to see is the Zodiak collage which Dali had an obsession with in some of his art pieces.  The two specific art pieces that influenced Gagnon’s collage work were the DISCOVERY OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS and THE ECUMENICAL COUNCIL.  Expect to see Hathor Renza on many upcoming pieces. Gagnon has been quoted “She is a distinct pleasure to work with. She is spiritual and a deep thinker.  I learned something philosophically in one sitting with her on the topic of meeting both mentors and dementors.  Dementors are people that suck the life out of you and literally can rob you of your soul. I have only met one such person in my life. “  The next piece scheduled with Hathor is the 13th Apostle.